A UX-master mapped virtual reality over his entire apartment, creating an interactive, mixed-reality world that reveals untold opportunities for brand engagement. From the Fast Company article: ““[Soon] every single app will be redesigned for alternative realities,” says [the designer]. Imagine Uber repurposing the street signs on our block to hail rides, or Amazon displaying virtual clothing in our real closets.” (Photo capture from Fast Company.)

Base Design shares the results from its first Base Digital Lab, a monthly workshop where a designer and a developer are teamed as explorers for two days. The first workshop studied how filters can be used a powerful branding tools.

From the Base Design article, “They are, for instance, an easy way for internal teams to create visually branded posts on the platform. Also for brands that come alive through a community… filters can be a great way to bring visual consistency with zero user effort. Apart from that, it's naturally a magnificent tool to launch campaigns, bring a sense of exclusivity to big events, and let tribes spread brands.”