• Parkinson’s UK has a new logo that incorporates a tulip symbol, which represents a tulip variety developed by Dutch horticulturist J. W. S. Van der Wereld. He named the tulip after Dr. James Parkinson who published “An Essay on the Shaking Palsy” in 1817, which recognized Parkinson’s as a medical condition for the first time.

• Orangetheory Fitness is a “science-backed, technology tracked” boutique fitness studio franchise based in Florida with over 1,500 studios in 24 countries. But for all of the tech and data it could provide, the company discovered that customers were much more interested in simply feeling better for longer.

DesignStudio created an identity system that connects to this emotional response with a spark shape that emerges from conjunctions in a unique grid system. The spark symbol can represent energy, peak performance, inspiration, and aspiration, all of which are goals for those seeking better fitness.