Its previous logo’s four squares represented four colleges that had, since 1841, come together to form one university.

Taxi Studio has created a more distinctive identity for the school that is also based on quadrants. The pieces of a large compartmentalized R have additional meaning, though.

  • The top left quadrant stands for the four colleges and their combined history.
  • The top right quadrant represents a diverse student body, its rounded shape mimicking the shape of a familiar building on campus and the sense of an amphitheater or enclosure where people gather.
  • The lower left piece has the shape of a speech bubble and represents the teachers who instruct the students.
  • The final piece’s leaf shape represents the university’s green campus.


The R shape also serves as a frame that allows images to perch on, peer through, or emerge from it. The images represent the school’s various courses and research, and a bold color palette suggests a vibrant, modern organization. The ability to easily change out colors and imagery creates a system that easily adapts to the university as it grows and changes.

Read more details behind the new brand here.