McDonald's rebrand is Brewing up some Goodness!
A recent McDonald's press release notes that in 2018 alone, McDonald's USA served roughly 822 million cups of hot Premium Roast McCafé Coffee, equal to almost 1,600 cups of McCafé Coffee per minute. To build on that popularity, the fast–food giant has updated the McCafé brand.
Golden yellow, meant to suggest optimism and feel–good moments, is more dominant in cups, bags, and other packaging. The more widespread use of this familiar brand color stays in step with the increased use of golden yellow in other recent and broader company rebranding created by Turner Duckworth. The designs are accompanied by the new tagline, "Good is Brewing."
How Turner Duckworth looked to the past to create Subway's new identity: a visual essay. If you have a digital subscription to Adweek, you can read more at