Check out Mattson Brand Design’s new work for toymaker giant Mattel. Mattson created a one-color graphic system that combines and celebrates many of Mattel’s superstar creations. The patterning is information-dense and lots of fun to explore.

The Nickelodeon splat is back. Introduced in 1984, the splat disappeared in 2009. But now brand managers have realized that today’s parents—yesterday’s Nick Kids—have a real emotional tie to the brand. The splat is a strong visual connection to that nostalgia, and if parents continue to enjoy brand, likely so will their offspring.

In one of the strangest rebranding decisions ever, Oscar Meyer brand managers have renamed the Weinermobile: now, it’s the Frankmobile. The people who drive the vehicles, previously called Hotdoggers, should now be called Frankfurters. Weiner whistles have become Frank whistles.