Based in Farmington, Utah, Jerron takes pride in his unique design aesthetic. Specializing in logo design, illustration and creative thinking, Jerron has received countless awards for his work and expertise in the field.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, your background, and your work.
I am married with three kids. I spent many years as a printing press operator and got into graphic design a little later in my career. I have been employed at various types of businesses as a designer as well as working for myself. I am currently full time at OC Tanner, as an emblem designer, and freelancing on the side.
When did you know you wanted to be a graphic designer, and what was that journey like?
Growing up, I was always very artistic and creative in many ways. Eventually I found that using those talents just for artistic reasons alone was becoming less fulfilling so I started learning more about the graphic design industry and taking classes. I found that the more creative side was where I excelled, and gravitated toward logo design.
Who/what inspires you the most?
LogoLounge, Mother Earth, Star Wars, cats, burritos, coffee, that homeless guy on the bus with big orange gloves, progressive rock, yoga pants, comedy, traveling, that time when I took a nap. I think what I’ve realized is inspiration is everywhere if you are aware.
What would be a dream project or who would be a dream client for you?
My style is diverse so I’m not very picky as far as projects go. I tend to enjoy jobs with more interesting subject matter such as businesses involved in nature, outdoors or food and beverage.
Dream clients for me are those that actually have a budget.
What makes a successful logo or brand? A successful graphic designer?
I could probably expound forever on various things that make a successful logo or brand but I have found that when the designer and client both agree, and are excited about the development of the brand, it tends to be a success.
If you really love what you do as a graphic designer, I think success is inevitable.
What works are you most proud of? Could you tell me about the process?
I’ve created so many logos that nothing specific comes to mind. Overall the logos that I’m most proud of didn’t require much of a process because the idea came naturally.
In your opinion, what are the best and worst aspects of your profession?
I love pushing my creativity and coming up with the perfect logo design solution to represent a company. The worst aspect of my profession is that those solutions are seldom picked by the client.
How do you handle “designer’s block?”
Getting away from my work area and doing something enjoyable. Walking, yoga and meditation seem to help me.
Do you have any advice for those starting out in the world of design? Any advice for those who have been in the business for years?
Those starting out I would advise not to participate in the logo design contest sites and definitely don’t go online to find logos to trace for use in those contests or your portfolios, it’s dishonest and illegal. It’s ridiculous that I have to point that out but it happens much too often. Pursue some design education and actual job experience.
Those who have been in the business for years: No advice, just good job, you have my respect.
What are some of your personal and/or professional goals for the future?
Work less, travel more and eventually retire and go back to being artistic for artistic reasons alone.
To look at works uploaded by Jerron to the Lounge, simply click here. You can also view his works by visiting his website here. Watch out for next month’s featured member article, as we bring another designer to the “Center Stage.”