Old vs. new logo

British Steel”s original, iconic logo, designed by artist David Gentleman, was in use from 1969 to 1999, when the company was bought up and merged with other properties owned by Tata Steel to become Corus Group.

Steel stamp of old logo from LogoDesignLove
Steel stamp of old logo from LogoDesignLove

This week, the British Steel name is back as an independent brand, following its sell-off by Tata to Greybull Capital. The print company Ruddocks created the new brandmarks.

New logo sign

From Ruddocks: “The new logo is a combination of the B and S and is made up of three parts to represent the company”s core values of pride, passion and performance. The colours are derived from the elements of the steel-making process: molten orange signifies the start of something vibrant and the navy background colour is intended to represent the quality of the organization, professional and committed.”

New logo uniform

Read more details behind the rebranding here.