Created by designer and Sci-Fi enthusiast Roger Strunk, along with the site’s Chief Engineering Officer, Rich Bachman, Speculative Identities was created as a way to appreciate Science Fiction and the identity design that was invented for its alternate realties.

The site has the pages “Research,” “Log,” and “Project,” which note Strunk’s thoughts and findings, as he embarks on the journey to detect hidden marks and credit their creators.

“I’ve got the Research page set up so that entries can be sorted and ordered by scenario, year, source, date, etc.… to see what kinds of things have identities created for them, as we imagine the future ahead of us,” said Strunk. “I also have a Log page that briefly notes designs or creators that are on my radar on a daily basis. The Project page involves the creation of original Sci-Fi logos, different from Research, as it aims to inform what I do when the time comes.”

With an invitation to help track down such hidden gems of golden identities, Strunk hopes that the project will help reveal the brilliance behind identities that could or have already gone unnoticed.

“I hope visitors have fun and enjoy learning about the role that visual identity design plays in building the Sci-Fi worlds that they are fans of,” Strunk said. “We probably don’t notice most designs, because its job is to work in the background and make those worlds more believable, but there’s an incredible amount of design to be found in Science Fiction, and I definitely won’t run out of research material any time soon.”

To see the findings that Strunk has already identified, simply visit the exciting new site here.