Developing Your Brand Voice

Scotch & Soda tag

Pearlfisher on Brand Voice:

Pearlfisher on brand voice: “The real pioneers see the brand journey as seamless, allowing for conversation to spark at any given point—clever website copy, a strong Instagram game, an eye-catching subway ad, a well-timed tweet, a head-turning billboard, surprising and engaging package messaging, and the list goes on. The conversation goes on. And if it’s a good conversation – a conversation that elicits a laugh (maybe even a snort), keeps you on your toes as it dances in your head, tugs at your heartstrings and hugs you, wrapping its words around you, squeezing tight and never letting go – then it’s a conversation worth continuing at all… well, costs. Men’s clothing brand Scotch & Soda takes Amsterdam couture and makes it conversational with tags that tell you, ‘This is your shirt.’ And if you’re looking to liquidate before purchasing said shirt, go to a Wells Fargo ATM at everyone’s favorite day of the week and you’ll see a message on the screen saying ‘Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend.’”

Read the rest of the essay here.

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