Briefly Noted...

Prime Time

Old vs. New Logo

Very few details are available at this writing, but Amazon has updated its Prime logo, bringing it more in line with the parent brand. As far as redesigns are concerned, this is a small tweak. But in their ongoing quest to find free two-day shipping, members of Prime’s nearly 80-million-person customer base are bound to notice the change. Read more here.

Pew Research Update

Old vs. New Logo

New lockup

Pew calls itself a nonpartisan “fact tank” that informs the public about issues, attitudes, and trends that shape our world. Its role in today’s murky and ever-more confusing post-truth / alternate facts atmosphere has become even more important. The new identity definitely feels more energetic and charged. The “burst” mark serves as a beacon, drawing the eye in, and as a symbol of dissemination, pushing information out. For more details, see here.

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